Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Pencil

Hello friends,

so it has been a while as is the nature of this game. Rather like ordering a pint of Guinness it takes a little patience. but rewarding. well that depends actually, last time you'll remember i was a little more than miffed with the results of my Chevron, so almost in an act of spite and defiance I trimmed it right back, shaving it within an inch of it's life, well within a millimeter of it's length really. However never underestimate your mustache, there I was being all smug thinking I had won a minor victory over the unruly Chevron, Go for a nice short and simple Pencil I thought. Still the tash had it's last laugh as my first attempt left me feeling a little disappointed.

So here we have several pencil designs, I went for the first one, nice simple, tight on top of the lip rather like these distinguished gentlemen. 

I've noticed something about myself, that when it comes to changing my mustache I'm always a little careful. this will explain my first pencil being a little too wide. But i soon got it down to a more suitable size.                        
    as you can see the finer 
lined tash is much better looking than the first attempt. With the second attempt I felt much more chap-ish, if i can invent a word there, in fact it's been this very challenge that has led me to ask such a question, "Am I chap?" now obviously I cant attempt to answer that question my self, but I could take a test, so I have purchased a book which hopefully may just answer that question for me. What is this book i hear you cry, well...                    
I'll come back to this a latter stage.

Now I would just like to say a quick word on tools, for with out proper tools I would not have been able to achieve my second pencil design. The pencil with gap, until this design I have simply been 
my normal safety razor but to achieve the gap I needed to use an old style single blade razor like this.  

so with it being Movember i thought in better publish this and and if you forgive for saying, knock a quick one out for the month of "Mo". 

see you all soon.