Tuesday 26 July 2011

First time for everything

Well hello there, my name is Giles and this is my first ever blog.

So what am I going to write about and why?

Well since the age of 18 and thanks to the suggestion of my younger brother I have had a beard (I'll go into more detail about this later). Now 18 years on I have become a bit of a facial hair fan. before, it was more just for fun, you know, I was young and none of my other friends had beards.I like being different, who doesn't? Well obviously some of you, I understand that but I like to be different. Any way a colleague of mine brought me a book, (BEARDS A spotters Guide, by C.Frost-Sharratt). I then pondered the idea of trying all the different styles out, then another friend suggested that after I tried out a new style I should blog about it, she kind of called my bluff there so here I am.

Now it appears that beards and mustaches are very en vogue at the moment, it seems to me that where ever you look you'll fine a tash design. here are few examples I've found.

This a corkscrew with a tash
 these are clips that you use to seal food bags.
 glasses with tashes on.

 these are finger tashes, novelty stickers you put on the inside of your finger, then hold up too your top lip.

It doesn't stop there, you can sport a fetching tash or beard on a trendy T-shirt.

So with all this new focused attention on beards & tashes, and having already tried a few designs myself, I launch myself into a follicle world of adventure. I hope this will be fun and interesting and that some of you will follow me on my adventure. until the next time.

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