Wednesday 27 July 2011

Hello and welcome back,
Glad to see you're still with me, this blog may not be expertly written, my spelling and grammar may be a little off but hay time is short and life is fun, if you make it so. Now on with the bushy business of facial hair cultivation. This morning I had a horseshoe, (see pic) Now this was suggested to me by my girlfriend,
and i have to say it was a fun style to wear. At first I got a lot of homosexual remarks, like Y.M.C.A, Village people etc, this was of little concern but I thought lets keep count and see if the gay remarks out weighed the straighter, chopper, Holk Hogan type remarks. I'm glad to say the straight far out weighed the gay, and the tash remained. Here are some famous horseshoe wearers.

At first I wasn't sure how thick to set it, but if you're going to do it then go for it I say. Another thing I hadn't counted on was that my tash was to be tri coloured. My top lip is of a slight blonde sandy colour, the rest is more dark brown to black, but now i'm of an age there's a little salt mixed in with the pepper, so the ends had a kind of cool frosting of white. The only thing I missed from having  a beard was having somthing to stroke, altho after a while once it got thicker you could give each end a little fondel he he. 
Any way as fun as the Horseshoe was it's time to move on, so armed with a new book, "The Moustache Grower's Guide" by Lucien Edwards my trusty beard trimmer, comb, nail sissors and razor i set about the move to "The Natural".

Now the book say's that this has a diffculty rating of  half a tash, 3 full tashes being the hardest. It can be warn wild and untamed or trimmed neat like a privitt. I've chosen the 'Natural' slightly bushy. I think it will, with a little carefull trimming lend it self as a good base for other styles like the 'Toothbrush', 'The Painters Brush'. or 'Chevron' and 'Walrus'. These will all be presented to you over the next few weeks. So I will leave you here while I go and agonise that my left side is slightly out of kilter with the right, I feel this is going to be an on going problem.

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